What makes us different from each other

Unusual Self
3 min readNov 25, 2020


We often hear things like each human is different from the other. They posses different capabilities, different faces, different minds, and different thoughts. But the matter of fact is that we all are humans. We all possess equal pair of limbs, eyes and all what we need. Yet, what is the things which makes us different from each other. Let’s find it out:


The only difference between we humans and other organisms is that we have the ability to think. We humans posses the most valuable thing in the world which is intelligence. Intelligence directly refers to our brain so we will constantly and mainly be focusing on brains.

Comparison on brains

Do people have brains of different shapes and sizes? Do bigger heads have bigger capacity to store knowledge and even create it?

Each one of us has the same brain. Believe it. Even Einstein’s brain was not found out to be much different from the usual ones when it was examined by professional doctors and researchers. He once said that he who asks questions which nobody can think of is a true genius, not the one answers unexpected questions. That was a really unexpected answer which we received from him. This example states our contradiction wrong. Then let’s move on.

What’s inside a brain and how does it work

Each one of our brains is filled with nearly 1.4 kg of grey and white matter called neurons. A Neuron has multiple functions. It is responsible for sending signals to other parts of our body and for transforming and relaying the electrical signals in our brain. But what thing fascinates me the most is the fact that whenever a memory is made a connection(through synapses) between the nerve cells are made which travel from one neuron to next. The more powerful the memory the more effective the connections are. That’s how we remember experiences like what we read in a book, what happened on your birthday and so on.

What we can make of this fact

Gautama Buddha the great philosopher and saint once said “What you think you become”. We just figured out how we remembered things and our previous experiences. The difference between Einstein’s life and a normal person’s life is that Einstein and the other had different experience in their lives. So In other words we can say that different experience of a person makes him different from the others around him. Sounds logistic. So can’t we do anything to better our brain? Will we remain the same? Can’t we change?


We can make our brain better. The second answer depends on we ourselves . How badly we want change. What are we willing to do in order to change . If you want a change you need to be the change. But how?


We with our conscious brain can decide what kind of thoughts we should fill our brain with. We have options. We can fill our brain with trash like porn, masturbation, shitty thoughts, etc. Or we can demand change. We can fill it with valuable knowledge, good practices, great thoughts, etc. And that my friend will make a difference. That’s what differs us from the people around us. Our experiences define us.

If you read it till the end then, I am pleased. I don’t require anything more from you. I owe you one.



Unusual Self

I like to write about anything unusual which might help bring a positive change in anyone’s life. Follow if you like the content.